Cured production, Curated production residencies in visual arts and new media. Spain Cultural Center in Costa Rica, Spain Cultural Center in El Salvador, Y.ES Contemporary, Ensayo y Error Project, Quorum Lab Cultural, Espacio Ce, La Revuelta , 2021 - present.
Curatorial accompaniment in the production of the project "Tres Lunas" by the Salvadoran artist LAndrés Paz: conceptualization on the LGBTIQ + theme, transvestism and symbolisms of the family interweave as part of the family interweave.
Conference, "Diversidata: Accest to the Costa Rican Queer Heritage". Museo de la Identidad y el Orgullo, Embassy of Canada, Cultural Center of Spain. 2023.
Special Guest, COMCOL Young Professionals Network. 2023
Conference, “Prohibition of Conversion Therapies. Bill of Law
No. 20970”. Presented at the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, Costa Rica. Organization by the Museum of Identity and Pride (MIO) and NOS Film Festival. 2022.
Talk, “Art and Science: Heterogeneous Layers?". Presented for
the Amighetti Chair, School of Plastic Arts, University of
Costa Rica, 2022.
Talk, “Let's talk about trans and non-binary visibility”.
Presented for Hivos Latin America and Casa de la Cultura Figueres Ferrer, 2022.
Lecture “Queer Art in Costa Rica: Creating New Heritage”. Imparted for the ICOM Family Forum (virtual). 2022.
Lecture “Writing an LGBTIQ+ Art History: ‘Quiero Queer’, art and emotions”. Presented for the Annual Conference of the College Art Association (virtual). Chicago, Illinois. 2022.
Talk, “Collecting with Care: Ethics in Museum Work”. Presented for the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and Museum of Identity and Pride (MIO), 2021.
Round Table “LGBTIQ+ Museums in Latin America”. Presented for the conference Exhibitionism: Sexuality at the Museum (virtual). Kinsey Institute (Indiana University), Wilzig Erotic Art Museum (Miami), and the Research Center for the Cultural History of Sexuality (Humboldt University, Berlin). 2021.
Opening and closing conferences "Discrimination of LBTIQ+ women", "Impunity and revictimization: The patriarchal pact". Imparted for the art laboratories Gender in Deconstruction (virtual). Women's Museum and Spain Cultural Center. 2021.
Conference “Curating the Queer: Decolonizing Collections and Heritages” (virtual). 2021. - Presented for the II Seminar on Museology and Museum Management. International Association for the Protection of Cultural Heritage, Argentina. 2021.
Conference “Reimaging the Frontiers of the Body”. Presented for the Museums of the Central Bank of Costa Rica in the framework of the exhibition "Reimaging Borders". 2021.
Round table “Show and Tell: Use of collections for virtual activities in the context of the covid-19 pandemic” (virtual). Panelist for the Pachacamac Museum, Peru. 2021.
Lecture "The ‘counter-collecting‘ and the collection of memories: MIO Museum". Presented for the I Annual Conference of the International Committee on Ethical Dilemmas (ICETHICS), together with the International Committee on Collections (COMCOL) and the Maryland Institute College of Art. 2020.
Lecture " The museum as a decolonizer community space: the case of the MIO Museum and the recovery of LGBTIQ+ memory". Presented for the VIII International Seminar on Experimental Museology. University of Rio de Janeiro and International Committee on Museology (ICOFOM). 2020.
Round table “ Stories from the skin. An Exposition about Tattoos”. Panelist for Sr. Loki Studio. Centro Cultural España,
Costa Rica. 2020.
Inaugural and closing conference for “Gender in Deconstruction: Theoretical/Practical Art and Gender Laboratories to Dismantle Violence Against Women and Girls.”. Given for the Museum of Women and the Cultural Center Spain, 2020.
Conference " Museums, communities, intangible cultural heritage and sustainability ". Imparted for the Andean Summit of Museums of the Americas. Quito, Ecuador. 2018.
Lecture " Community Crafts and Culture: Empowering Indigenous Communities ". Imparted for the 6th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. Green Lines Institute and University of Granada, Spain. 2018.